Wednesday, June 24, 2015


It seems to lovers of antiques, different types of agate is no longer a new thing because since ancient agate is much sought after by lovers of these rocks. If we try to understand the hobby this one, are unique in it. Agate is commonly known to decorate the rings for men, turned out to have the kind of individual who also save properties in it.
Belief, the following types of agate is much in demand by fans because of the beautiful and of course because of efficacy in it. Consider the following full review.

Turquoise stone, Gems Nan Indah and the Sorcerer
Magical objects thousands of years ago has become a source of fascination for humans. Turquoise stone, a familiar name in the ears of the public at large and the fans of gemstones and the stone in particular, both in Indonesia and in all corners of the universe. Turquoise stone is one of the unique stone, besides in the category of gemstones because of the beauty of the colors and veins, turquoise is also included in the category of the stone. Efficacy or prestige of turquoise has been written in some holy book or books of wisdom, sehingg not surprising that turquoise is much coveted and sought after by lovers of rock in the universe.
Already since thousands of years ago, problems or constraints of life is a disruption in the life of a very worrying. Since it is considered as a phenomenon that will be devastated porakan person's life, since it is also the man trying to find a way out in an effort to overcome various challenges or problems existing constraints by using the power of Spiritual Science and the Supernatural by means of supernatural or magical objects nuanced Philosopher like turquoise.
The lovers of the rocks are very familiar with exactly the veins or lines that are in the turquoise stone, usually the lovers of the stone circles are named gold veins, sometimes there is a line called turquoise leaves. However, in the case of veins visible lines on the rocks Turquoise nothing special in stripes on the turquoise stone is turquoise stripes red, the red line is said it has a very expensive price, this is because the red lines are in it is considered sacred stone.
Abdullah (46), one of the residents Serang, Banten, and the fan and owner of turquoise say that the stone has a light green color and has a typical old as there are streaks or veins attached to the stone, so the judging a quick glance at this turquoise stone layer, such as stones were cracked. The lines or veins turquoise too many kinds, there is a vein of gold, red and others. "Lines or veins red turquoise is sacred carp, so-called turquoise Abdurrazaq, highly sought many people" he explained.
David Kang (53) one of the characters from Bogor young psychics say that the issue is very unique turquoise stone, turquoise is believed to have the energy or very strong mystical aura. "Beryl that, since ancient times believed to have mystical energy or prestige, so much in demand. Of all types of turquoise, great is the deep gold and red veined ", he told infomistik, 03/01/2013.
Regarding efficacy or prestige of turquoise stones, according to him, turquoise has a property to bring peace, happiness in the household, and is also believed to bring good luck to the business owner. "Efficacy of stone turquoise bertua like this, a lot has efficacy mas, in addition to bringing happiness but also bring good luck if it's made of stone and its owner matches" he said.
Turquoise is one of the precious stones that have a variety of colors and types. In general Turquoise Naishabur light blue and turquoise green leaves Mecca. However, it is not rare to find turquoise black, white, and even silver.
Surely such a rare commodity categories that are difficult to find. The most sought-after rare turquoise is turquoise Abdurrazaq, gold veins, red veins and veins of silver. Abdurrazaq turquoise radiate positive energy to those who wear them that makes the face glow. Abdurrazaq color can not be described in writing, but usually Turquoise has a net-shaped veins (veins nets).
Abdurrazaq hunted the scholars of wisdom because it has properties antidote sharp weapon (if unintentional) and has a tang energy useful in the Commerce. This is called Abdurrazaq, because it is useful in commerce. In the book of Al-Ilbaas there is information that the Muslim who wears turquoise will not experience sudden death and breathe lethal in their own homes adjacent to the family who loves him.
The Sunni and Shiite scholars largely advocated to have Turquoise. Some mosque dome is large in Iran intentionally made from turquoise because it gives effect to the spirit of worship to God.
Agate type above is considered able to provide easiness in life but to keep in mind is there is no greatest strength of the creator. Should be to address each of the things that we do it wisely. Because after all, common sense must keep running to keep it running in the proper way.

with akik you can enjoy your live

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